Quetzalcoatlus - Petr Suvorov Web Page
Fotografie z mé pracovní cesty do Ruska v roce 2019. / Photos from my bussiness trip to Russia in 2019.
Mapa mé celé cesty do Ruska v roce 2017. / Map of all my travel over Russia in 2017.
(c) Google Maps
Největším tahákem moskevské zoo byly letos jednoznačně pandy - 24. 04. byla zvířata objednána a 29. 04. dojela do Moskvy. V červnu pavilon otevíral sám prezident Vladimír Putin.
The biggest highlight of the Moscow Zoo were, with no doubts, Giant Pandas - the animals were ordered on 24th April and on 29th April they came to Moscow. In June, the Panda House was opened by the Russian president Vladimir Putin.
The biggest highlight of the Moscow Zoo were, with no doubts, Giant Pandas - the animals were ordered on 24th April and on 29th April they came to Moscow. In June, the Panda House was opened by the Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Horká ptačí novinka, kterou jsem letos v Moskvě nečekal, byla malá skupinka tučňáků oslích.
Among birds, an unexpected hot new for me in Moscow Zoo was a little group of Gentoo Penguins.
Among birds, an unexpected hot new for me in Moscow Zoo was a little group of Gentoo Penguins.
foto já & Erich Kočner
foto me & Erich Kočner
foto me & Erich Kočner
Návštěva proslaveného "ruského Walsrode".
Our visit in a famous "Russian Walsrode".
Our visit in a famous "Russian Walsrode".